About Naka Masato


Naka Masato is a software engineer. He started his career as a machine learning engineer in ByteDance in 2016, and started working on infrastructure and cloud-native application development when he joined beBit in 2018. In 2022, he joined Souzoh as an SRE engineer. His interests include scalable system architecture, infrastructure, stream data processing, and machine learning.

GitHub Projects


  1. kubernetes-training: Practice Kubernetes features with hands-on, including autoscaling, monitoring, logging, operator pattern, cluster setup, and so on.
  2. kubernetes-basics: Example codes for Kubernetes入門 (Udemy Course)
  3. kubernetes-operator-basics: Example codes for Kubernetes Operator入門 (Udemy Course)
  4. Kubernetes Operator Practice:
    1. mysql-operator: Kubernetes operator to manage MySQL users for existing MySQL clusters.
    2. secret-mirror-operator: Kubernetes operator to copy a Secret from one Namespace to another and keep them synced.
    3. sample-controller: Sample operator created in Kubernetes way
      1. documentation: Sample Controller
    4. memcached-operator: Simple operator with operator-sdk (go-based)
      1. documentation: Quickstart for Kubernetes operator
    5. password-operator
  5. helm-charts: Helm Chart repository




  1. Self-Study Training Series
    1. golang-training: Studying Golang
    2. nestjs-graphql-training: Study Nestjs + GraphQL
    3. envoy-training
    4. etc.
  2. Python
    1. python-sample: Python sample application with tests
    2. flask-sample: Flask sample application
    3. fastapi-sample: FastAPI sample application
    4. autonote: Python Library to automate taking notes (WIP)
  3. github-actions-practice: Example GitHub Actions workflows
  4. Database Design and Implementation: SimpleDB implementation (from a book Database Design and Implementation)


  1. Medium (English)
  2. Qiita (日本語)
  3. サービスの安定性を支えるオンコールの裏側
  4. メルカリ ハロ立ち上げ時のSRE



Udemy Courses


I also like learning foreign languages. I’ve studied several more languages; Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and very little Vietnamese.


  1. 「メルカリ ハロ」を推進するWorkチームにとって、初めてのMVPアワードを開催しました!
  2. 受賞者の名言多数!ソウゾウ MVPアワード FY23 Q1を開催しました!
  3. プロジェクトをとにかく進める、そのためにメンバーに認めない“甘え”とは――ビービット 那珂将人氏 (2019/09)
  4. 正しいプロダクトを納期を守って開発するという当たり前のために重視するただ1つのもの――ビービット 那珂将人氏《前編》
  5. TikTokのBytedance、中国本社唯一の日本人エンジニアはなぜビービットへ? (2019/09)
  6. TiKTokのバイトダンス出身の日本人エンジニアに“中国IT急成長”の裏側を聞いてみた (2019/09)
  7. 現代の宝の山、ビッグデータに挑む!教育のITイノベーションを巻き起こす