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// ListerWatcher is any object that knows how to perform an initial list and start a watch on a resource.
type ListerWatcher interface {
// Lister is any object that knows how to perform an initial list.
type Lister interface {
    // List should return a list type object; the Items field will be extracted, and the
    // ResourceVersion field will be used to start the watch in the right place.
    List(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error)

// Watcher is any object that knows how to start a watch on a resource.
type Watcher interface {
    // Watch should begin a watch at the specified version.
    Watch(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)

ListWatch struct

// ListFunc knows how to list resources
type ListFunc func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error)

// WatchFunc knows how to watch resources
type WatchFunc func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)

// ListWatch knows how to list and watch a set of apiserver resources.  It satisfies the ListerWatcher interface.
// It is a convenience function for users of NewReflector, etc.
// ListFunc and WatchFunc must not be nil
type ListWatch struct {
    ListFunc  ListFunc
    WatchFunc WatchFunc
    // DisableChunking requests no chunking for this list watcher.
    DisableChunking bool


type Interface interface {
    // Stop stops watching. Will close the channel returned by ResultChan(). Releases
    // any resources used by the watch.

    // ResultChan returns a chan which will receive all the events. If an error occurs
    // or Stop() is called, the implementation will close this channel and
    // release any resources used by the watch.
    ResultChan() <-chan Event

How ListWatch is used

  1. Created with NewFilteredListWatchFromClient:

    func NewFilteredListWatchFromClient(c Getter, resource string, namespace string, optionsModifier func(options *metav1.ListOptions)) *ListWatch {
        listFunc := func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
            return c.Get().
                VersionedParams(&options, metav1.ParameterCodec).
        watchFunc := func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
            options.Watch = true
            return c.Get().
                VersionedParams(&options, metav1.ParameterCodec).
        return &ListWatch{ListFunc: listFunc, WatchFunc: watchFunc}
  2. Getter can be got from clientset: clientset.CoreV1().RESTClient()

    podListWatcher := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(clientset.CoreV1().RESTClient(), "pods", v1.NamespaceDefault, fields.Everything())
    1. listFunc and watchFunc is set in NewFilteredListWatchFromClient: 1. c.Get() calls NewRequest().Verb("GET") 1. rest.NewRequest creates and returns a request. 1. Request.Watch 1. get retry func 1. in a for loop, run retry.Before, client.Do(req), and retry.After

  3. Then, listwatcher will be passed to informer.

    indexer, informer := cache.NewIndexerInformer(podListWatcher, &v1.Pod{}, 0, cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{...
    ListWatcher is used to initialize the store (FIFODelta) with List and keep the store up-to-date with Watch. For more details, you can check informer


Code: You can get the event through w.ResultChan(). The example is simplified version (no error handling).

    w, err := podListWatcher.Watch(metav1.ListOptions{}) // returns watch.Interface
    if err != nil {
    for {
        event, ok := <-w.ResultChan()
        if !ok {
            break loop

        meta, err := meta.Accessor(event.Object)
        if err != nil {
        resourceVersion := meta.GetResourceVersion()
        klog.Infof("event: %s, resourceVersion: %s", event.Type, resourceVersion)


  1. Start the ListerWatcher for Pods.
    go run main.go
    I0913 07:54:29.394053   92277 main.go:57] resourceVersion: 2728
  2. Create a Pod
    kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
    You'll see the event logs:
    I0913 07:54:29.394239   92277 main.go:64] items: 1
    I0913 07:54:29.401483   92277 main.go:84] event: ADDED, resourceVersion: 503
    I0913 07:55:20.475959   92277 main.go:84] event: MODIFIED, resourceVersion: 2789
    I0913 07:55:38.769688   92277 main.go:84] event: MODIFIED, resourceVersion: 2812
  3. Patch the Pod
    kubectl patch pod nginx -p '{"metadata":{"annotations": {"key": "val"}}}' --type=merge
    You'll see MODIFIED in the logs.
  4. Delete the Pod

    kubectl delete pod nginx

    I0913 08:02:23.486861   92277 main.go:84] event: MODIFIED, resourceVersion: 3294
    I0913 08:02:23.929399   92277 main.go:84] event: MODIFIED, resourceVersion: 3298
    I0913 08:02:24.239499   92277 main.go:84] event: MODIFIED, resourceVersion: 3300
    I0913 08:02:24.244502   92277 main.go:84] event: DELETED, resourceVersion: 3301

Referece: example