Package leaderelection contains a constructor for a leader election resource lock. This is used to ensure that multiple copies of a controller manager can be run with only one active set of controllers, for active-passive HA.
It uses built-in Kubernetes leader election APIs.
1. Leader-for-life
In the "leader for life" approach, a specific Pod is the leader. Once established (by creating a lock record), the Pod is the leader until it is destroyed. There is no possibility for multiple pods to think they are the leader at the same time. The leader does not need to renew a lease, consider stepping down, or do anything related to election activity once it becomes the leader.
2. Lease-baed
Leases provide a way to indirectly observe whether the leader still exists. The leader must periodically renew its lease, usually by updating a timestamp in its lock record. If it fails to do so, it is presumed dead, and a new election takes place. If the leader is in fact still alive but unreachable, it is expected to gracefully step down. A variety of factors can cause a leader to fail at updating its lease, but continue acting as the leader before succeeding at stepping down.
- Go packages
- client-go/tools/leaderelection
- controller-runtime/pkg/leaderelection: lease-based leader election
- operator-framework/operator-lib/leader: Leader For Life
- Readings