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Component structure:


Source interface

type Source interface {
    // Start is internal and should be called only by the Controller to register an EventHandler with the Informer
    // to enqueue reconcile.Requests.
    Start(context.Context, handler.EventHandler, workqueue.RateLimitingInterface, ...predicate.Predicate) error

// SyncingSource is a source that needs syncing prior to being usable. The controller
// will call its WaitForSync prior to starting workers.
type SyncingSource interface {
    WaitForSync(ctx context.Context) error


  1. Already removed in Refactor source/handler/predicate packages to remove dep injection (from v0.15.0) ~~Kind has InjectCache while kindWithCache doesn't.~~
  2. Kind Kind is used to provide a source of events originating inside the cluster from Watches (e.g. Pod Create).
    type Kind struct {
        Type client.Object
        cache cache.Cache
        started     chan error
        startCancel func()
    1. Provide cache explicitly with the initialization method func Kind(cache cache.Cache, object client.Object) SyncingSource.
      source.Kind(mgr.GetCache(), &corev1.Pod{})
  3. Channel: Channel is used to provide a source of events originating outside the cluster (e.g. GitHub Webhook callback). Channel requires the user to wire the external source (eh.g. http handler) to write GenericEvents to the underlying channel.
  4. Informer: Informer is used to provide a source of events originating inside the cluster from Watches (e.g. Pod Create).
    type Informer struct {
        // Informer is the controller-runtime Informer
        Informer cache.Informer

What's the difference between Informer and Kind?

  1. Kind gets informer from cache.Cache.
  2. Informer needs to be initialized with cache.Informer directly.
  3. Kind calls WaitForCacheSync after adding eventhandler by AddEventHandler while Informer doesn't.

How Source is used

  1. Source is initialized in builder.doWatch for each of For, Owns, and Watches:
    1. For:
      // Reconcile type
      typeForSrc, err := blder.project(blder.forInput.object, blder.forInput.objectProjection)
      if err != nil {
          return err
      src := &source.Kind{Type: typeForSrc}
    2. Owns:
      typeForSrc, err := blder.project(own.object, own.objectProjection)
      if err != nil {
          return err
      src := &source.Kind{Type: typeForSrc}
    3. Watches:
      // If the source of this watch is of type *source.Kind, project it.
      if srckind, ok := w.src.(*source.Kind); ok {
          typeForSrc, err := blder.project(srckind.Type, w.objectProjection)
          if err != nil {
              return err
          srckind.Type = typeForSrc
  2. The initialized source is passed to controller.Watch in builder.doWatch if the controller is initialized by builder

    if err := blder.ctrl.Watch(w.src, w.eventhandler, allPredicates...); err != nil {
        return err
    1. In controller.Watch 1. Cache is injected from controller.
    // Inject Cache into arguments
    if err := c.SetFields(src); err != nil {
        return err
    1. source.Start is called with EventHandler and Queue
    return src.Start(c.ctx, evthdler, c.Queue, prct...)
    1. Source.Start 1. Get informer from the injected cache.
    i, lastErr = ks.cache.GetInformer(ctx, ks.Type)
    1. Add the event handler with AddEventHandler
    i.AddEventHandler(internal.EventHandler{Queue: queue, EventHandler: handler, Predicates: prct})
    1. informer is started by manager.Start().
    1. cache is initialized in cluster when a Manager is created.

Example Usage: Debugging your controller

if you want to check events of specific resource you can set by the following.

  1. Set up scheme if you want to monitor CRD (Optional)

    import (
        mysqlv1alpha1 "" // Target CRD
        utilruntime ""
        clientgoscheme ""
    func init() {

  2. cache.Get(): Internally create informer if not exists.

    pod := &v1.Pod{}
    cache.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(pod), pod)
    mysqluser := &mysqlv1alpha1.MySQLUser{}
    cache.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(mysqluser), mysqluser)
    1. Start the cache.

    go func() {
        if err := cache.Start(ctx); err != nil { // func (m *InformersMap) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
            log.Error(err, "failed to start cache")
    1. Create Kind for the target resource.
    kind := source.Kind(cache, mysqluser)
    1. Prepare workqueue and eventHandler.
    queue := workqueue.NewNamedRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter(), "test")
    eventHandler := handler.Funcs{
        CreateFunc: func(e event.CreateEvent, q workqueue.RateLimitingInterface) {
            log.Info("CreateFunc is called", "object", e.Object.GetName())
            // queue.Add(WorkQueueItem{Event: "Create", Name: e.Object.GetName()})
        UpdateFunc: func(e event.UpdateEvent, q workqueue.RateLimitingInterface) {
            log.Info("UpdateFunc is called", "objectNew", e.ObjectNew.GetName(), "objectOld", e.ObjectOld.GetName())
            // queue.Add(WorkQueueItem{Event: "Update", Name: e.ObjectNew.GetName()})
        DeleteFunc: func(e event.DeleteEvent, q workqueue.RateLimitingInterface) {
            log.Info("DeleteFunc is called", "object", e.Object.GetName())
            // queue.Add(WorkQueueItem{Event: "Delete", Name: e.Object.GetName()})
    1. Start kind with the prepared eventHandler and queue.
    if err := kind.Start(ctx, eventHandler, queue); err != nil { // Get informer and set eventHandler
        log.Error(err, "")

You can run:

  1. Install your CRD
    kubectl apply -f
  2. Run the kind

    go run main.go

    2022-09-15T06:58:43.895+0900    INFO    source-examples source start
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.070+0900    INFO    source-examples cache is created
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.071+0900    INFO    source-examples cache is started
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.096+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "kube-proxy-zpj2w"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "coredns-6d4b75cb6d-s2dhg"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "coredns-6d4b75cb6d-25dbf"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "etcd-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "kindnet-8fjbg"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.097+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "local-path-provisioner-9cd9bd544-xl67h"}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples kindWithCache is ready
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"kube-proxy-zpj2w"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"coredns-6d4b75cb6d-s2dhg"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"coredns-6d4b75cb6d-25dbf"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"etcd-kind-control-plane"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"kindnet-8fjbg"}}
    2022-09-15T06:58:44.172+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"local-path-provisioner-9cd9bd544-xl67h"}}
  3. Create custom resource manually. You'll see the events related to the CRD.

    kubectl apply -f

    2024-07-27T11:44:33.871+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "sample-user"}
    2024-07-27T11:44:33.872+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"sample-user"}}
  4. Create nginx Pod

    kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

    2024-07-27T11:45:13.787+0900    INFO    source-examples CreateFunc is called    {"object": "nginx"}
    2024-07-27T11:45:13.787+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Create","Name":"nginx"}}
    2024-07-27T11:45:13.805+0900    INFO    source-examples UpdateFunc is called    {"objectNew": "nginx", "objectOld": "nginx"}
    2024-07-27T11:45:13.805+0900    INFO    source-examples got item        {"item": {"Event":"Update","Name":"nginx"}}
    2024-07-27T11:45:13.819+0900    INFO    source-examples UpdateFunc is called    {"objectNew": "nginx", "objectOld": "nginx"}
    2024-07-27T11:45:16.417+0900    INFO    source-examples UpdateFunc is called    {"objectNew": "nginx", "objectOld": "nginx"}